Case Details
Location Found: (On roadway) 15243 SW 42nd Terrace, Miami, FL
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Facial Features: No details available
Tattoos: Feathers and a ring is on the left upper arm Tattoo Image 1, initial NYY and drawing of a figure is on the right upper arm Tattoo Image 2, and a tattoo with a medallion shape and the letters RACING is on the left anterior chest Tattoo Image 3.
Scars, Surgeries and Other Dental and Medical Information: 40cm vertically oriented scar on the left anterior lower leg, obliquely oriented 3cm x 1cm scar on the right posterior leg and a 20cm fine linear on the left forearm.
Jewelry: No details available
Clothing and Shoes: Red underwear and blue jeans "Bravo" (size:38)
Personal Effects: No details available
Other Details: The decedent's estimated age is 17-23 years old.
Please contact the District office listed below the FLUIDDB number for questions regarding this unidentified person.
Direct comments, questions and feedback to:
District 20 Medical Examiners Office
239-434-5020, extension 1 or